Who am I?

My name is Singhi, a software developer, a front-ender. My Chinese name is Xinghai Zhang.
I was born in Hubei, China, and had lived there for 20+ years. After then, I went to Dalian to start my 4-years college life and then I had worked there for 5 years. Today, I am in Shenzhen city, China.
I began loving coding when I was in college. I loved C#, C-lang, Java, and even VB/VC, extremely old languages. I knew I would work on coding then. It became true after gratuating. I am loving JavaScript and using it to earn today.
Gratuated in 2013, with 2 years’ developing of ASP.NET, during which I created 2 large-scale softwares:
- E-Commerse
I was fully committed to Web developing in 2015. Since then, I’ve systematically learned JS-lang and most popular frameworks and toolchains. I led 6+ projects in middle-large scale which are about e-commerse, tools, HIS, ERP, Crawlers. I believe that I can do some architectures NOW.
After 7 years’ working, I am still excited in technologies of computer. In spare time, I love studying new things and ideas, and the most important, reading.
Aspects I love:
- Typescript
- ES6 & ES of next
- NodeJs
- HTML5 & CSS3
Frameworks\Libaries\Tools I used:
- Leaflet
- React / Angular / Vue
- Express + koa
- Webpack + Babel
- SASS(Dart)
- Yii2.0
- Bootstrap UI
- jQuery
- RxJs
- Cordova
If you are interested in thechnolgies too, or you’ve some jobs to give, touch me please.
Scan QR-Code to touch me

- email:zhangxinghai79@gmail.com